Monday, October 29, 2007

I agree with Tory about gender roles and learning from siblings, parents, caretakers, etc...Many of us and our students learn these particular roles without putting much thought into who (male or female) is participating in what activity. For example, my mom always cooked dinner while my father mowed the lawn. I never put much thought into it because that was just how things were done. These genered positions are what we learned and we are just following what we were taught.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I've actually been thinking about this a lot lately, since my husband and I bought a house. We have taken up very similar gender roles to those that my parents held.
In my house as a kid, my father cooked and did the outside work, while my mother cleaned, did laundry and kept track of all of the activities that were going on. Now that we have formed our own little household, my husband cooks and I clean. I do the laundry and pretty much make sure we are where we are supposed to be (remembering birthday parties or dinners, etc.) My husband mows the lawn and shovels the snow. I don't know if this is a result of me following the gender roles that my parents showed me as a child or if it is just because my dad always cooked for me, so I'm not very good at it (I'm sure that's part of it). Either way, I have definitely picked up on the gender roles that I saw when growing up.