Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Saab Commerical

I am dying to share this and it can relate to our class.
Last night I saw a local Saab commercial in which the 'car' was speaking as if it was joining a dating service. Everything was innuendo and in a low, raspy, sexy voice. It was incredibly suggestive and [I thought] inappropriate.
Sex sells and unfortunately this dealership will probably see an increase in sales. This is what little girls look up to.


Nicole said...

Tori, I've definitely been noticing commercials in a new way too. I saw one last night that really got me thinking too.

It was a commercial advertising a play house/doll house for kids. It was almost like a tent that when closed looked like the outside of a house, and when opened, had items inside like a life sized doll house for kids. Of course it was pink and yellow, and there was a little girl playing with it. You open the house and inside (I bet you can guess!) there was a stove, a washing machine, dryer, and a crib.

The message was clear to any boy or girl watching the commercial. Girls take care of the inside of the house: the cleaning, the cooking, and the babies. I was shocked at such obvious gender stereotyping, but unfortunately I bet that house will sell like hotcakes for little girls over the holiday season.

John Cronin said...

You guys are so right-on with these commercials! I also saw one for TONKA trucks. Distilled message: You're a terrible parent if you don't buy these for your boys! We start gendering things right out of the cradle! I remember a study where infants were treated differently (how they were held, talked to; played with) based on whether the adult thought the baby was a boy or a girl.